I/Oquest and the future of I/O

I have both managed to be busy working on I/O and not be busy working on the RPGMaker project.

You see, I've been working on an interactive, Quest-style story from the main character's point of view, which I've been posting on Sufficient Velocity - among other reasons, to get more ideas for the script before I work on the next iteration of the game.

It's been pretty successful, so I'm crosslinking it!

Here is a link to the Quest from the beginning, and Here is a link to the start of the latest chapter (spoilers for Part 1). Collaborators include a lot of the old devteam, including Rukafais, FoxHana and Bedsafely, as well as consultant Matthew Doyle and cowriter Rebecca Malsin.

Voting is after the end of every major update, which is usually Thursdays but can be Saturdays sometimes.

Also, while I don't feel comfortable charging for this proof of concept, I am confident enough in my writing that I'm linking to my Patreon.  I do, badly, want to turn this into a singleplayer video game eventually; but with the amount of money I'm making right now that's not presently feasable.

Thank you for helping me get this far.  Hopefully I'll see you on SV!

Get Isekai/Online: Beta Test Blues (MFGJ Summer 2020 Edition)

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